The ProLon® dietary programme is lactose-free and gluten-free; so people who are lactose-intolerant or have coeliac disease are able to follow the diet.
ProLon® is NOT intended for the following people:
• Children under the age of 18
• Women who are pregnant or nursing
• People that are allergic to nuts, soy, tomato or any of the other ingredients in the ProLon® meal plan*
• People with a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 18.5
• People diagnosed and currently suffering from a medical condition or disease, unless authorised in writing by a healthcare professional appropriately trained to treat that condition
• People that have been severely weakened by a disease or medical procedure
• People that are taking medication which may not be safely consumed with a calorie restricted diet unless authorised in writing by an authorised healthcare professional
• People with diabetes (type 1 and type 2), cardiovascular disease and cancer unless authorised in writing by an authorised healthcare professional
• People with metabolic disorders, particularly those that affect gluconeogenesis (where fasting is prohibited)
• People with a history of significant cardiac disease, particularly uncompensated congestive heart failure NYHA grade 2 or more or LVEF less than 40% on any prior assessment
• People with a history of syncope (fainting) with calorie restriction in the past or other medical comorbidity, which would make calorie restriction potentially dangerous
• People that have special dietary needs that are incompatible with the ProLon® meal programme
* Participants with food allergies such as nuts, soy, tomato, or with any other known allergies to the ingredients, should avoid consuming ProLon® or wait until a version of ProLon® is produced that is free of allergens.